
Explore commonly used Refined terms.

Users who have rights to manage Refined sites and/or your Refined instance. They don’t need to be Atlassian administrators, they just need an account in your Atlassian instance.

Site Management
Announcement banners

A banner at the top of the site, which you can add to announce updates, service bulletins, releases, events, and more.

User Engagement
Authors on pages and blog posts

A space setting that lets you determine whether authors are displayed at the top of Confluence content.

User Engagement
Avatar menu

The logged-in user’s avatar in the header. Clicking it unfolds a menu that includes quick access to any outstanding requests, favorite pages, feedback, and more.

Confluence search result customization

A setting used to limit the search results from Confluence content on your site. You can include or exclude pages and blog posts with specific labels.

Confluence space in the site structure

When you add a Confluence space to your site structure, you add all its pages and blog posts. You can feature them on customizable landing pages to help users navigate the space’s content.

Site Management
Confluence space settings

A range of settings that let you customize the look and functionality of Confluence pages and blog posts on the site. You can set up site-wide space settings, as well as custom settings for specific spaces.

User Engagement
Cookie banner

A pop-up that users see when they first visit a site, informing them about the use of cookies and providing different consent options. You can customize it to  suit your organization’s unique needs, plus those required by GDPR, CCPA, and similar laws.

Site Management
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Cloud-Abonnements sind für bis zu 10 Nutzende kostenlos. Zum Starten der Testversion sind keine Zahlungsinformationen erforderlich.
Refined unterstützt Websites von weltweit führenden Marken
Das Airbnb-Logo in Dunkelgrün.Das Canva-Logo in Dunkelgrün.Das Citibank-Logo in Dunkelgrün.Das Coca-Cola-Logo in Dunkelgrün.Das IBM-Logo in Dunkelgrün.The Klarna logo in dark green.Das Nasa-Logo in Dunkelgrün.Das Nationwide-Logo in Dunkelgrün.Das Samsung-Logo in Dunkelgrün.Das Spotify-Logo in Dunkelgrün.Das Tink-Logo in Dunkelgrün.Das Trivago-Logo in Dunkelgrün.