Learn how to build multilingual help and support sites with Refined for JSM Server/DC

Now available in Refined for Jira Server/DC: a customer-facing language switcher with support for up to 25 languages.
A common question we get from Jira Service Management admins: How can we cater to a multilingual customer base?
Our answer:
Easy. Upgrade to or download Refined for JSM Server/Data Center version 3.2, which supports five times as many languages as the previous version (up to 25), and offers a pathway to additional language support if any of the languages you're servicing are not yet available.
Learn more about this capability and more updates to Refined for JSM Server/DC below.
Learn to build multilingual help and support sites with Refined for JSM
Now visitors to your Refined site can access a language-switcher in the upper right-hand corner. Configure it with up to 25 supported languages—up from five previously. At the same time, custom text variables across your site ensure personalized text like welcome messages switch along with the user's selection.
Watch the video below to learn how to configure your sites for a multilingual user base.
More updates in Refined for JSM version 3.2
- Refreshed announcement banners. We updated the Announcement Banner UI for an improved look and feel. Plus, a new banner option.
- Improved search: Promoted Search Results are now available from the Refined admin UI to manage all of your links in one place. Plus, improved performance for promoted search and added flexibility in configuring results in Search Highlight modules.
Read the release notes for Refined for JSM version 3.2 on our Help Center.
Upgrade to Version 3.2
Upgrade to Refined for Jira Service Management version 3.2 or try it free on the Atlassian Marketplace.
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